The source code to ARMax DLL has been updated by BAD-AL who’s not only done a great job of transferring the .hlp file’s contents to the repositories’ wiki but has also added a sample C# wrapper app to help folk get started.
PSV-Save-Converter released
Based on his work on Apollo and dots_tb’s ps3-psvresigner, bucanero has released PSV-Save-Converter – a Windows command line based tool that’s perfect for batch conversions of your old PS1 & PS2 save files into PSV saves.
The following save types are accepted as inputs:
- .mcs (PS1 PSXGameEdit format)
- .psx (PS1 AR/GS/XP format)
- .cbs (PS2 CodeBreaker)
- .max (PS2 ActionReplay Max)
- .psu (PS2 uLaunchElf)
- .xps (PS2 Xploder/SharkPort)
Source and binaries can be found in his Github repo and discussion around the tool itself are on-going at PSX-Place
PSV Exporter 1.3 source code released
I’ve just updated the PSV Exporter repository over at GitHub to include the changes made for version 1.3
Pull requests tidying up the code and making it more aligned to MVC are very welcome as I won’t get opportunity to do it myself.
PSVFormat.pas updated
In preparation of the source code for PSV Exporter 1.3 being released I’ve updated the PSVFormat.pas Delphi unit in the documents section with the newer version.
This newer file features better support for PSV files and clarifies a few of the fields that were previously labelled as unknown.
PSV Exporter 1.3 released with full PSV support
It’s been over 12 years in the making but the long awaited update to PSV Exporter is now here. Building upon the great work from dots_tb you can now import PS2 & PS1 saves and export them into fully working PSV saves.
PSV Exporter 1.3 enables you to import and export the following formats:
PS2 saves – Action Replay Max (*.max)
PS1 saves – single save format (*.mcs)
PSV Format – PS1 & PS2 (*.psv)

Conversion between PS2 save formats has never been easier and with PS2 Save Builder to hand you can now convert and edit saves across any format!
PSV resigning now possible
dots_tb, with the help of AnalogMan151, teakhanirons, notzecoxao and nyaaasen, has released a Windows command line utility to re-sign PSV saves!
You can grab the source code and an executable from the GitHub page
For those wondering of PSV Exporter will get an update, I’m currently identifying if I still have the tools used to create it back in 2007. If I do then an update might happen, if not I’ll have to consider if it’s worth redeveloping the app in a new language/platform
Introducing mymc+
If you use PCSX2 you’ll no doubt be familiar with the great mymc tool by Ross Ridge which allows you to manage the memory cards used by the emulator.
thestr4ng3r has picked up the mantle by taking the original public domain & open source mymc and pushing it to the next level with a new fork called mymyc+.
Ported across to Python 3 thestr4ng3r has also included some new features such as PSV support. It’s great to see new cross-platform tools being worked on in 2018 so be sure to check it out.
Is PS2 Save Builder safe to use?
We’ve been the home for Ps2 Save Builder for over 12 years and recently we’ve been made aware that some antivirus scanners are detecting Ps2 Save Builder as being dangerous or containing a virus.
The great folks over at Trend Micro took a deeper look at what was causing this and I’m happy to confirm that if you’ve downloaded Ps2 Save Builder from this site then it is safe to use.
The executable file utilises a technique called ‘packing’, viruses use this to disguise their true nature, and this is setting off a few AV products causing them to detect it as malicious.
Use the SHA256 hashes below to ensure you have a safe version of PS2 Save Builder:
- bb4c39e392284e31bbbb89d610605b254a77724922353980829ba9a463a44768
- ps2save-builder.exe: 2b4a12a28309d51d6ba30d420792a41ae2de0c7a758e5d2249deae4a5959793a
- PropTree.dll: 87fcd461891664d7f2786eb8bed0d988e8a7a1f7b4caabb3a29b8a6fc66c767b
If you downloaded PS2 Save Builder from any other site make sure you confirm that the hashes match exactly, if you have any doubt download again from here. If the hashes match exactly and your AV program still detects the files as dangerous please follow the products procedures for submitting a false positive result.
PSV Exporter Source code released
Good news indeed! The source code to PSV Exporter 1.1 can now be found on GitHub. It’s raw, most of it was coded at 2am after a days work and it needs Delphi to compile, but it’s the whole package.
Python script to generate Xbox save signing keys
Over at my personal site I’ve just announced the release of a Python script to generate the keys used to digitally re-sign Xbox saves.
Using xbox-save-sig is as simple as passing in the path to a default.xbe file:
python -i /path/to/default.xbe
The output will be a text representation of the digital signature for save signing:
The script can output the key in a selection of formats and being Python can run on many different systems.
The script is licensed under the MIT License, which is pretty permissive, so feel free to fork, improve and put it to good use!