Save hacking, a hobby and interest for many, appears to be nearing it’s end.
In a time of digital signatures and encryption, I ask is this the end of save hacking?
Save hacking, a hobby and interest for many, appears to be nearing it’s end.
In a time of digital signatures and encryption, I ask is this the end of save hacking?
With the sudden interest in GTA and Hot Coffee (available on every version of the game if you use GTA: SA Censor Remover) we are getting more traffic than ever before as news spreads and people begin to realise that this controversial mod is available on the PS2 and Xbox as well as the PC.
So far the total donations received has not covered even two months of excess fees, fees that have been accumulating for several years now.
Now, I will not charge for downloads, I and the other authors who submit their work here did so for free, not for monetary gain but so that others can enjoy their work and it seems that thousands of you enjoy that work very much.
I considered closing this site because every month I reach down and pay the excess fees out of my own pocket so you guys can continue to enjoy the software found here for free, at that time I was tired of giving you a virtual free lunch when so few (think less than 5) have thought what we offer here is worth a dollar/pound/euro or two.
That’s right, we don’t expect you to download something then donate $100, instead $1 would have been enough to let us know you appreciate the work we do here and want to help keep this site up for as long as possible so we can continue to come up with innovations such as the exclusive GTA tools as well as other save manipulating software.
As for the site closing, I’m now hoping to avoid this as old friends have been in contact and solutions for 2006 are tentatively in place and with any luck the site should survive in an archive form if nothing more.
So, if you do like what you see here and have used or indeed regularly use something found here then consider donating just a dollar/pound/euro or two so that others can do the same and we can continue to offer unique innovations to you.
Several owners of the PAL Xbox version of GTA San Andreas have informed me that GTA Censor Remover is not working for them.
A fix is on the way and will be available shortly, until then be sure to keep a backup of your working save.
I had a working save. Now when I upload it the Xport software crashes upon trying to send over naplink.rar
I will investigate the matter later and see about a fixed file
It seems that the Xport is saving the Naplink and PS2Link directories but not the contents, I’ll be taking a look at a possable way round this later and will post an updated save if it works.
The save available for download does still contain a working version of the PS2Reality Mediaplayer and if you follow our guide you can install Naplink successfully yourself
It’s finally failed and no longer wants to work. This is an annoying problem, but it means I might start looking at making a software convertor faster than I would have planned.
I’m still going to try to fix it though…
A big thanks to those who reported the other broken downloads, that will teach me to trust an automated script for checking these things.
I’ll get them fixed within 24 hours again
Thankyou to all those who reported the broken downloads, this is due to the server the files were hosted on being wiped, I’ll update the download section with new download urls within 24 hours or so
Gah, I added the wrong url for the PS2SIDC 1.4.8 installer
If you tried to download the installer previously, please try again
Well, after a re-install of Windows a few weeks ago I tried using PS2SIDC tonight, and I get the error message: &H8007007E
Anyway, this has prompted me to start converting my programs over to Delphi, starting with PS2SIDC. I should have a beta available in the next few weeks