Misc tools

Programs by other people and other small tools for saves


bmp2icon 8 KB 7082 downloads

bmp2icon is a tool which will take a 128x128 24-bit bitmap, and convert it into a...

Checksum Repair 9 KB 19407 downloads

A utility to repair the checksum in a save file after editing. Translated by wtulinux...

Copy Protection Remover 7 KB 9052 downloads

This program allows you to toggle the PS2 Browser copy protection on or off. It does...

Dex2Raw 334 KB 2918 downloads

Dex2Raw is a simple utility to convert Dex Drive saves into raw PS1 saves that can...

File Compare 227 KB 4116 downloads

This simple programs allows you to compare saves, or ideally sliced sections of save...

Armoured Core 2 Emblem Tool 457 KB 2097 downloads

Create or edit existing emblems for Armoured Core 2 - .xpo and .spo only - Made by...

MemoryCard Killer 54 KB 18431 downloads

MC Killer is a quick utility to format your memory card. Essential for recovering...

Milkshape PS2 Icon Importer/Exporter 19 KB 4078 downloads

This plugin for Milkshape allows you to create and edit PS2 Save icons. How to install: 1....

MC ICON.SYS Generator 106 KB 4389 downloads

A quick and handy icon.sys generator, less functional than the one found in PS2 Save...

Max Codelist manager 340 KB 4914 downloads

This incredibly useful tool allows you to remove all the useless codes you never...

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